Sunday, October 16, 2011

Finally, the sun is here again

Today was my official day off and luckily it wasn't raining, in fact, it was gorgeous. The sun was golden all day long...not just one golden hour, but a golden day! In the morning we ate breakfast as usual and then it was about 10 and I filled the fanny pack that Muto-san lent me with different things for my bike ride. A little money, camera, tripod and tissues. Later I also added the Yamaaimura farm business card so I could show it to people if I got lost and maybe they could help me...Muto-san was a little concerned about the bike. Hiro and Katsu had brought it from somewhere and Katsu said I can ride it whenever I want. The tires maybe needed  a little air but not so bad, but Muto-san filled them up anyhow before I left. Then bumpity-bump I went down the little road till I got to the main road.

There I wondered which way I should go. First, actually I needed to decide where to go. I decided to visit the Kikuchi River where there are some shops and a bathroom. I don't know what exactly it is, but I think it is called the "water station" and I think it is just a place to stop for fun. Since I'd gone a few different routes in the car with Muto-san I was pretty sure I could figure out how to get there...So, at the intersection I decided I'd like explore a little and visit this small stream and bamboo grove I had passed before in the car.

Therefore I went straight, back onto a small mountain road. Since the road was down hill I was going really fast. I had not ridden a bike since I got to Japan so it felt great! I love riding a bike and it made me miss my Baby from home! I realized after I left that the seat was a little low, but...that's okay. I started using my brakes more, though, when I almost ran over a snake while speeding down a hill...that would have freaked me out...can't imagine...

I got to the little stream and took some photos then continued on. I honestly don't know how I remembered the way, I've always said my sense of direction is pretty good even though people have told me I'm wrong:( but I faintly remembered seeing little details and soon I was right where I wanted to be with a big sign pointing down the main road saying "Kikuchi Gorge", in English! So since i was going down to the river valley it was all down hill. Awesome:) I kept looking back and thinking, uh oh, up this? But I remembered a different way Muto-san had gone once on a much less busy road and I decided I'd try to find that again. I went through a tunnel and there I was! The river glimmering in the sunlight and the trees shivering in the wind. So exhilarating.

More photos. Then I stopped at the "Water Station" to use the restroom (just like I had the day I was going to the farm...) I thought about looking around but I hadn't locked the bike and I was alone so I decided to just continue on. When I came out there was a man standing next to one of those huge motorcycle that is connected to a sidecar. That motorcycle was monstrous. It was probably the biggest, widest motorcycle I'd ever seen. I walked my bike out from behind some bushes and the man called out "Did you ride from Kikuchi town?" I kind of wanted to avoid conversation so I said I'm sorry my Japanese isn't very good but he kept talking to me so I went over and I explained as best as I could that I only came from a farm up the mountain. Then he asked if I was American and I said yes and he told me that his motorcycle is from America and about a friend he had in California who had an orange farm. Then he gave me a business card and told me if I came to Kumamoto that I could call him. I think in Japan having business cards and handing them out is a lot more popular and social than in America. I said thank you and rode off again. He passed me when I was back on the road and waved his hand and I waved back then saw that on the back of his jacket there was a giant American flag printed onto it! I laughed a little to myself at that...

I rode on this little road for a while, trying to find the mountain road that I had gone on with Muto-san to get home...I recognized an abandoned hotel and then saw the little road heading up, pretty darn steep too. So I walked my bike all the way up till I got to this fabulous outlook that I remembered from before. I could see the little "Water Station" down there in the valley beside the river. I could see the tiny Japanese cars, they looked incredibly tiny from high above. I could see electrical towers stretching into the distance over the mountains. It felt great. My bike is my friend, look where I've managed to go? I thought. So happy I continued on. Then I rounded a corner. To my left was a fern and moss covered wall and the left of the road was a thick bamboo grove. The road turned again and sunlight was pouring in from the opening there, it was fabulous. After that I managed to ride the bike again but soon I came to an intersection. Left or right? I decided that the left looked way more familiar, so I went left. But to my dismay there was another intersection about 20 feet later. I decided to go straight and not to the left...luckily, if I got lost here there were houses everywhere so I could just ask. But since there were so many houses and many little roads and therefore many opportunities to go the wrong way. But then I recognized a field of tea bushes and the house next to it with it's unique garden that I had looked at before. Yes! But immediately after that, for the first time, I had truly no idea of which way to go. Straight or left? There was a post in the ground pointing to the left that had a bunch of kanji and then 181. I thought well maybe the main road is 181? I checked Muto-san's business card to see if I could spot a 181 anywhere...nope. Well, let's see. So I walked my bike up the hill to the left. It seemed to go on for a bit and I kept looking around as I went higher to see if I could spot the rusty bridge near the farm but I couldn't. A woman drove passed and she kept staring at me with a smile, and it seemed she was about to stop and ask if I was lost but she just nodded and I nodded back and she was gone. I kicked myself for getting too nervous to ask if I was going in the right direction. Nothing really seemed to look familiar and then suddenly the road turned into a tiny dirt road. Meh. I went the wrong way! But I thought, well, at least I know that straight is for sure the correct way to go! So I got on the bike and what had taken me 10 minutes to walk was all behind me in what seemed like seconds. zoom!

So on the right way I went. Then I came to a main intersection. Five roads came to it, two small and three big ones. There wasn't a lot of traffic or anything and I knew one of the roads was the correct one to lead me to the farm. I was a little disoriented because of the new way I had come but I ran across the intersection to the other road, tripping on a dumb reflector thing sticking up out of the road...and then, yes! I recognized the random giant oak looking tree a midst bamboo (which looks strange so it was kind of  a landmark in my head) and then a little after that, the great big rusted bridge! Maybe I shouldn't be so proud for doing something so simple but...I was very proud of myself for finding my way. Congratulations to my good memory and thank goodness I love looking out the window when we drive:)

I bumpity-bumped down the little road to the farm and relaxed. I'd gotten pretty hot and sweaty so I changed and imported photos...Muto-san came back and asked where I had gone and I told him to the place where we had eaten lunch last week, next to the river, and he said "You went all the way to the river?" and I was even more proud. Heck YES I did!!

So then we had lunch, I did laundry and then I basically spent the afternoon drawing on the tree deck. I saw Hiro had gotten the eggs and I said I'd like to wash them, I find it very calming...he didn't fight me so I got to relax and wash a few eggs:)
I feel very satisfied.
Tomorrow I get to work again.


  1. I really enjoy following your adventures! I printed out a few of your photos to send to Dad, since he's not computer saavy. Hope you don't mind. He asked yesterday how you were doing, when I called, so I thought he would enjoy seeing for himself. As fall settles in, in Oberlin, he can't get out as often, so I thought he'd enjoy seeing something new. Hope you're well and settling in.

  2. Thank you! I definitely don't mind you sending photos to Uncle Dudley! In fact, if you would email me his address, I would be delighted to send him postcards myself. I'm afraid I can't print photos here.

    Thanks for reading my blog! I am very well...I think I made the right decision coming here, it's wonderful.

    My email is please feel free to email me!
